Ban donkey hide exports

  • von: Frances D
  • empfänger: The governments of Brazil, Columbia and Mexico

Donkey populations in developing countries are being put at risk by a surge in demand for donkey hide in China. An increased interest in a traditional Chinese medicine made from donkey hide has been blamed for the growing demand. But the medicine can be made using other sources, including other animal gelatins, and even seaweed.  

The livelihoods of many local communities in developing countries rely on working donkeys. A loss of working donkeys will be a huge blow to those who already have very little and cannot afford to convert to machinery and vehicles. 

Five countries have banned exports of donkey hide: Pakistan, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. This is a great start, but the Donkey Sanctuary says that more countries need to ban the donkey skin export trade.

Please sign this petition respectfully calling on the governments of Brazil, Columbia and Mexico to ban donkey hide exports. If enough people sign, it will highlight the issue and send a clear message that donkey hide exports are not sustainable.

The government of Columbia, the government of Brazil, the government of Mexico:

Donkey hide exports put local donkey populations at risk and threated the livelihoods of poor communities that rely on working donkeys.

Several countries have already banned donkey hide exports. We ask that you join them in taking this step forward, and do the same.

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