University Ridge Apartments: Demand for Rent Abatement

To Management:

University Ridge Apartments lists a "fitness center with cardio room" and a "resort-style pool" as community amenities available to all paying renters (see

The pool has been closed since July 20, 2021. Along with this closure, access to the gym has been reduced from 24 hours/day to business hours only. Management stated that these areas could not be re-opened without an inspection by the City of Durham. Upon contacting the city inspector, residents were informed that University Ridge Apartments has not paid its inspection fee and has not scheduled an inspection date as of August 6, 2021.

If the pool is closed through August 20, University Ridge will have failed to provide promised amenities for one month. Accordingly, we demand that this deprivation be reflected in a rent abatement for September 2021, and for any subsequent months that pool remains closed. We also ask management to treat tenants with respect and provide honest, transparent answers to residents' concerns.

Tenants of University Ridge

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