Charge Woman Severely for Domestic Abuse & Tossing Chihuahua Out Window to Die!

  • von: Sue Lee
  • empfänger: MYRTLE BEACH, SC Police Officers & Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to be a voice for a poor small Chihuahua dog that was tossed out of a window during a domestic dispute. The poor animal had nothing to do with the argument between the man and woman; yet the dog was picked up by that woman and thrown off of a third floor balcony. In addition to charges of criminal domestic violence, this woman needs to face felony animal cruelty charges and a ban on ever owning or even being near another animal her entire life.

In recent months, officers were summoned to a domestic dispute in Myrtle Beach, SC between a Ms. Jamie Taylor Gonzalez and her boyfriend during a verbal altercation. When arriving, they noted that the boyfriend's little Chihuahua dog had been thrown from the third floor balcony where the couple was staying. Ms. Gonzalez admitted to tossing the animal to the ground out of anger, in an effort to kill it and get back at her boyfriend. Others in the area confirmed her actions. Luckily, the dog is in stable condition.

The officers on the scene did notice that the couple both sustained some scratches on the faces and bodies during their dispute. Everyone has disagreements now and then but there is no excuse for involving an innocent by-stander like this little dog into their dispute. It could have had more fatal consequences and this woman needs to be more severely charged for her actions.

Help us with our efforts to prosecute this woman more severely for punishing a sweet, innocent animal just because she had a problem with her boyfriend. Sign and share the petition on all your media sites to spread the word and be a voice for that little dog who is still in recovery.



MYRTLE BEACH, SC Police Officers & Judicial System - Ms. Jamie Taylor Gonzalez needs to be more harshly punished and prosecuted not only for domestic battery, criminal domestic violence but also felony animal cruelty and abuse charges for involving a sweet animal in her dispute with her boyfriend. This animal could have been more severely harmed. In addition to charges, ensure that this woman is banned for owning, caring or ever being within inches of another animal for the rest of her life. Please be a voice for that little dog!

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