Two subspecies of giraffes are now critically endangered, and more could soon follow, unless you do something. Add your name if you want to protect all giraffes from trophy hunters, NOW!
The Kordofan giraffe and the Nubian giraffe "were recently added to the list of critically endangered species for the first time ever, as per the latest report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which administers the world's official endangered species list," reported India Today.
And the fate of other giraffe subspecies is getting worse as well. The reticulated giraffe, for example, was listed as endangered.
The Giraffe Conservation Foundation estimates the current Africa-wide giraffe population at approximately 111,000 individuals.
"This is a drop by almost 30%. Unfortunately, in some areas traditionally regarded as prime giraffe habitat, numbers have dropped by 95%," they said.
Let that sink in.
I know you can see how giraffes could soon be gone forever, if this horrifying trend continues.
That's why we're calling on the Pan African Parliament to do whatever it takes to ban trophy hunting of giraffes across the whole continent.
Don't you want to stop this cruel, heartless practice of murdering endangered giraffes for fun?
Then add your name to ask Malik Hussein, Chairperson of the Committee on Rural Economy Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment for the Pan African Parliament, to introduce a motion to protect giraffes from trophy hunting all across the continent!