For Cleo
On Saturday January 2nd 2016 a very sad but all too real situation was brought to light. An individual passing by PJ's Pet store at the Bramalea City Center located in Brampton, Ontario Canada noticed a kitten for sale for $1300. This kitten appeared very ill and malnourished and in no condition to be sold. Upon posting a picture of this kitten on social media, attention was grabbed quickly. The picture and story went viral with a public outcry of animal negligence. Within a matter of just a few hours the Brampton Animal services, OSPCA, Peel Regional Police and several news outlets had been contacted by an enormous amount of people. The OSPCA has launched an investigation but due to privacy laws they will not release any information on Cleo’s condition or whereabouts. The Brampton Guardian has published a story as well as an online magazine about dear Cleo.
The public is outraged that the sale of animals is still being allowed while thousands of animals every year are euthanized while waiting for homes in overcrowded shelters. It is estimated that 600,000 cats were living in shelters in 2011 and 60,000 cats alone were euthanized in Canadian shelters the same year according to a news report released by the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies; that is an alarming number. Several factors contribute to this number, the top being the lack of spay/neutering, feral colonies and the sale of animals in stores. On top of city run shelters we can’t forget about all the local ones. All Paws Rescue Group alone right now has approximately 100 cats that need forever homes that have been abandoned and rescued from the streets.
I am calling for change, I am calling for the sale of cats in pet stores to cease. I am calling for pet stores to only be allowed to partner with local rescues to increase the number of adoptions versus purchasing an animal from an unknown breeder. Please help us make a change and be a voice for those who do not have one.
Update #2vor 9 Jahren
Thank you everyone for your continued support!!
We have recently submitted our letter to City Council in which they voted to individually research how this bylaw would benefit Brampton. We are waiting now for a time when the City will make their official vote on implementing a bylaw to ban the sale of cats in pet stores for profit.
Stay tuned for further updates!
Update #1vor 9 Jahren
Thank you all for signing this petition! We have had such amazing support for this and for animals everywhere. We are currently writing our email to our city councilors, animal services and the clerks office. We will update again as soon as we hear anything back! Please keep sharing this petition around.
Thanks Again
Erin, Michelle, Angela