Fire Bengt Holst as Copenhagen zoo director for killing Marius !

  • von: Alex Toth
  • empfänger: Copenhagen city hall

**** URGENT  Second Marius could be killed in Denmark **** Reuters 02/12/14

Mr. Bengt Holst should no be employed by Copenhagen zoo. His proper place of employment, in case he deserves one, should be in a slaughterhouse, a cleaning person.

He declared today, that killing Marius was justify and "this practice will continue at Copenhagen Zoo". Does a "PERSON" WITH THIS ATITUDE DESERVES TO TAKE CARE AND WORK WITH ANIMALS?

He is en embarrasment for Copenhagen's zoo city and the whole country. I will do my small part, and I will boycott all Danish products as long as Bengt Holst is employed by Copenhagen  Zoo. We cannot bring Marius back, but we may be able to save the "next Marius".

Holst told CNN: "the autopsy had been performed outside, given the giraffe's size, and watched by the public, including children if their parents allowed them to.

"It is a good opportunity to invite our guests to watch. ... We are here to educate people and that is a good way to show people what a giraffe looks like," he said."


Warning !!! Very disturbing picture of Marius’s dissection. Very graphic and disturbing picture from Copenhagen’s slaughterhouse

                                Update: If NOTHING is done, I am ready for the  next step; Please bookmark, save this website:

Please share this link with your friends, a printout will be mailed the Cophenhagen city-hall. 

Thank you, Alex Toth

Mr. Bengt Holst should no be employed by Copenhagen zoo. His proper place of employment, in case he deserves one, should be in a slaughterhouse, a cleaning person.

He declared today, that killing Marius was justify and "this practice will continue at Copenhagen Zoo". Does a "PERSON" WITH THIS ATITUDE DESERVES TO TAKE CARE AND WORK WITH ANIMALS?

He is en embarrasment for Copenhagen's zoo city and the whole country. I will do my small part, and I will boycott all Danish products as long as Bengt Holst is employed by Copenhagen  Zoo.

Holst told CNN: "the autopsy had been performed outside, given the giraffe's size, and watched by the public, including children if their parents allowed them to.

"It is a good opportunity to invite our guests to watch. ... We are here to educate people and that is a good way to show people what a giraffe looks like," he said."

Educate people ? Mr. Holst will never get it, get him out !

Alex Toth

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