Kids Have Been Drinking Arsenic-Laced Apple Juice. Demand an Investigation!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Batches of apple juice that have been sold at American grocery stores like Target, Kroger, Publix, and Whole Foods are being recalled because the juice contains unsafe levels of arsenic, a highly toxic heavy metal.

Luckily, the company involved is taking steps to inform the public and stop consumption of this dangerous product. But how did the situation even get this far?

We need to make sure there is an investigation to prevent future products from going to market with toxic metals in them. Sign the petition.

Arsenic is extremely hazardous, and exposure can cause a whole host of health issues - including death. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning can include cancer, diabetes, heart issues, and birth defects.

It's great that the product is already being recalled - but it's been out on shelves for months already. That means most of these products will not be thrown out or returned to the company involved, and countless people - including children - will already have consumed this arsenic-laced juice.

That's why this situation is so serious, and why we have to make sure there is not a repeat scenario in the future.

Sign the petition to urge an investigation, in order to ensure future batches don't contain the same levels of hazardous ingredients!
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