Montérégie fur farm south of Montreal keeps dozens of foxes and hundreds of minks in inhumane conditions. The animals have no access to enough water and food, live in their own excrement on wire (not solid) floor in small cages, emaciated and starved. Many have untreated injuries such as lesions and broken limbs. Some of the animals had to be euthanized by the visiting veterinarians because they were too sick and suffering.Wild animals, even those on fur farms, are oficially under the jurisdiction of Quebec's Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks. The ministry's representatives have visited the farm after SPCA intervened, but refused to remove the animals from the farm. They just plan to visit the farm regularly to monitor the situatino and give the owners a chance to correct their abusive behavior. However, the owner, Jean-Luc Rodier has faced 262 charges of cruelty to animals and negligence in the past and was found guilty to 32 counts of negligence. It's obvious that it's a pattern and that this fir farm has to be shut down and all the animals removed immediately. We demand that Quebec's Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks take action asap and remove the suffering and abused animals from Montérégie fur farm.
You can read more details here:
TO :
The Honorable Laurent Lessard
Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks
Government of Québec
5700, 4e Avenue Ouest
Bureau A-301
Québec, QC G1H 6R1
Tel: (418) 643-7295
Fax: (418) 643-4318
CC : Guylaine Seguin, Ministry Veterinarian
RE: Montérégie fur farm
October 26, 2014
Dear Mr. Lessard,
I am writing to once again urge you to remove the abused and neglected animals from Montérégie fur farm.
I have collected almost 2,000 signatures (enclosed) from all over the world by people who care about the welfare of these animals. We are shocked that even after the horrible abuse discovered at the farm and multiple articles in major Quebec and Canadian newspapers, the Ministry has not taken action.
According to the CBC report, the owner, “Jean-Luc Rodier has faced 262 charges of cruelty to animals and negligence in the past and was found guilty to 32 counts of negligence.” His “cooperation” cannot possibly be sincere and long term. He is a criminal already charged with multiple charges of cruelty and negligence.
We urge you to please take action. I am not sure how often your inspectors go there, but it cannot possibly be often enough to ensure these animals are fed and given water and medical care on a daily basis. Fur industry as such is cruel enough; but making the animals in the fur industry suffer even more is unacceptable. It makes Quebec looks embarrassing to the whole world.
Quebec falls behind most of North America and European Union in its animal welfare laws and regulations. We are asking you to consider taking the first step to a more progressive, modern, and compassionate treatment of the living beings we share our planet and our beautiful province with. I also hope that you will look further into changing the current regulations to avoid this kind of abuse in the future.
I hope to hear back from the ministry re: removing the animals from Montérégie fur farm and will pass on your response to all those who signed the petition including my friends and family on whose behalf I am writing this letter. We will continue our campaign as long as we need to save these animals.
Alexandra Lorimer
c/o Dina Kozyanina
6731 rue de la Roche
apt. 12
Montreal QC
H2S 2E5
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