McDonalds is one of the top ten palm oil users in the world and unfortunatley, the palm oil that McDonalds is using happens to be harvested by cutting down rainforest-right in the middle of Orangutans natural habitat.
The fact is, McDonalds is destroying Orangutans habitat, and at this rate, in twenty years there wont BE any Orangutans left, because all of its habitat will be gone.
And the worst part? The palm oil Mcdonalds needs can be harvested from OTHER SOURCES THAN ORANGUTAN HABITAT. This means that McDonalds would rather kill Orangutans and cut down precious rainforest than pay a few bucks more to get their palm oil elsewhere.
Will you stop McDonalds from killing the last of the Orangutans?
For a company as large and diverse as yours, it is unacceptable for your corporation to be using palm oil from someplace as precious and rare as the rainforest when you can be using palmoil from several other locations that neither destroy the rainforest or harm Orangutan habitat.
It is unacceptable for a company that has long held the pretense of being a charitable, socially responsible part of the community topublicly stand for something that both harms innocent Orangutans, but also takes away the precious opportunity for the next generation to experience the awesome beauty if the rainforest.
It is both hypocritical, and publicly humiliating for a company that claims to be "progressive", "community driven" and "part of the family" to reveal itself to be quite the opposite.
If you wish to keep your good name with the "community" that you claim you care so much about, you should start buying your palmoil some place else.