A Statue of Michael Dawe in Red Deer

  • von: Ken Hoskin
  • empfänger: The citizens of Red Deer and surrounding area.

I believe that Red Deer should consider erecting a statue of Michael Dawe somewhere in the city. Who was more "Mr. Red Deer" than Michael? He did so much for this city and had such great knowledge of this city and its history that he was, in my opinion, an integral member of this community.

I'm hoping you will consider signing this and also share with others.

Michael is still a big presence in Red Deer.  He sat on many boards over the years including being a trustee with the David Thompson Health Region and Red Deer Regional Hospital. He also worked extensively with veterans and our school districts and was awarded both the Queen's Golden and Diamond jubilee medal for volunteerism, Red Deer's Citizen of the Year, Minister of Veteran's Affairs Commendation and many others. 

His loyalty and dedication to Red Deer and its history was and is unsurpassed. My plan is to get as many "signatures" as possible and then forward them to the City of Red Deer.

PLEASE SHARE on your Facebook page if you agree with me.  Please go to my personal page (Ken Hoskin) - my post is shareable from there.

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