The Kestone Pipeline: The Dirtiest Secret in America Right Now
- von: Valerie Friedman
- empfänger: The House of Representatives and President Obama
The KLestone XL Pipeline has been touted as a job creator. It is nothing but a means for Canada to continue to pollute their water supply (and, since we are neighbors, ours) extracting the dirtiest oil product ever. But they don't want to move it across their country in order to refine it and send it to China -- they want to send it through OURS. This will create miles of pipeline through environmentally sensitove lands, across private property which will need to be condemned (read: stolen from it's rightful owners), and with no guarantee that seismic activity will not disrupt or break the pipes, spilling tar sands oil into the Oglala Aquifer -- the aquifer that supplies most of the Western US with water. Our gas prices won't be affected. Jobs will be small in number. And if there is a leak, and billions of people lose their water, who will pay for that? Certainly not the greedy corporations that stand to benefit from this dream of an arrangement.
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