Time to Impeach, Remove, And Retire Our Corrupt Judges

State & Federal Judges Get LONG appointments, and so many are compromised, have ditched their oaths, betray the real victims, aid in taking children - child trafficking, and dividing families, punishing the innocent and siding with the guilty,
light sentences
involving themselves in politics
only 5% of our judges are Constitutional, the rest ignore the law and don't even give reasons for their rulings, all of the way up to SCOTUS.
We have to get them the same consequences that anyone gets for failing in their duties, but it's a rigged system.
In my own journey
Judge Young abused his power and took a bride from Mr. Marriott, and then made up false charges about me, had me arrested to scare me out of getting paid in my lawsuit.
NH Federal Judge Steven James McAuliffe targeted me in a federal case, his wife is one that faked her death and he capitalized on that.
Magistrate Judge Andrea K. Johnstone is as corrupt as they come
In Texas, U.S. Magistrate Judge Elizabeth S. ("Betsy") Chestney forwarded my case from Texas to NH when I was a Texas Resident
U.S. District Judge Fred Biery is a criminal himself
Judge Merchan for President Trump
These name a few of them, there are many across the country and state. Removing them is hard, but it can be done. I plan to seek the removel and in some cases, charges against these judges. Our judges have ties to dark money, pedophiles, and government leaders. There is NO such thing as "left leaning Judge" That is a way of saying they are compromised. They need to resign if they are incompetent.

For others, please share and circulate and sign this petition.

Update #1vor 9 Tagen
Our judges hold that last card. When are system is corrupt and we look for justice - it is not there. But judges get appointed by Governor's And Federal Judges get appointed by the President. They can be removed. People have to fight for change, if you stay silent, then they win by default. You can even sign anonymously. But people need to defend our right to have the Constitution protect us as is our right.
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