Shut down Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia!

In January, an 18-month-old lion was found dead in its cage, hanging by its head from an errant piece of metal wire. Since then, an African gnu and a Komodo dragon have died from stomach disorders, and a mountain goat from a fight with another goat. A rare Bengal tiger is undergoing treatment, and a barking deer and a rare midget buffalo have also perished.

Yet the zoo management doesn’t seem especially worried, and rejects accusations of unprofessionalism. Calling the number of fatalities “acceptable,” “normal” and “in line with regulations,” it denies any wrongdoing. Apparently to inoculate against further criticism, it also recently warned that another 80 old or sick animals will die in the near future. In fact, the zoo director, Ratna Achjuningrum, actually implied the animals had only themselves to blame for their deaths. Some were hurt “because of their own mistakes,” such as “being hyperactive” and “fighting among each other,” she reportedly said.

After working at an animal conservation sanctuary I know these animals can get help but it needs to be now! Please have a heart and help these animals!!

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