Demand Trump stop lying about his helicopter crash story

Donald Trump has repeatedly told a story of a frighteningly rough helicopter landing on a ride with (then) San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. And how in the midst of the terror over whether they might crash, Brown told him terrible things about Kamala Harris.

There's just one problem -- Brown says he has no idea what the hell Trump is talking about. He's never even been on a helicopter with Trump, let alone one that almost crashed. And given that Brown was mayor, and one of the most famous and quoted leaders in all of California, how in the world would this have happened with zero media coverage?

It's a total fabrication, meant to make Trump look tough and Harris look bad. And Trump has been told that it's BS. And yet, Trump STILL is repeating it.

Please join us in demanding Trump stop telling the story, and that the media call it out for being total BS.

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