Stop Yelp From Unfairly Destroying Small Businesses

Yelp is single handedly harming honest small businesses by "gaming" their reviews against business owners(through a dishonest filtering system) and then using the UNFAIRLY filtered reviews to press small business owners to  pay for advertising with Yelp to balance the reviews.  They have been accused of extortion by business after business  Their corporate offices hide behind false claims of trying to weed out fake reviews initiated by the businesses themselves.  It is clear through minimal investigation that Yelp is the dishonest and predatory entity (see the, "we hate yelp" FB page for real business owners stories).  Past lawsuits have been dismissed through California's liberal court systems and due to Yelps substantial financial advantage over small business owners limited ability to fight back. This is a David and Goliath situation.  Small business owners need to unite to have their voices heard.  Aren't American businesses struggling enough without greedy corporate giants stacking the deck against them through extortion and dishonest business practices?  PLEASE help us support hard working, honest small businesses.  It is imperative for our very survival!!!  Thank you for supporting our/your rights to fair commerce!!  

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