Protect the Lynx in Germany

  • von: Christiane Henker
  • empfänger:,,,

About 150 years ago was the only major European cat, lynx, extinct in Germany. Reason for the relentless persecution by humans. The lynx was not enacted primarily because of its beautiful fur, but because he was perceived as a direct competitor and hunting was considered a threat to the flock. On the basis of occurrence in our neighboring countries (especially from the Bohemian Forest and the Vosges) could be repeatedly demonstrated individual lynx in Germany (eg in the Bavarian Forest) since the middle of last century.

Lynxes live as loners who come together only during the short mating season. In Germany, the shy animals have been in the area in the Bavarian Forest (and the Bohemian Forest), in the Palatinate Forest (and the northern Vosges), in the Eifel region, and in the Black Forest, but also in the Danube Valley and parts of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony are detected. In the area of the Harz National Park, also have been released since 2001 a total of 24 lynx in a scientific project. There are probably always illegal reintroductions without scientific support, and outbreaks of lynx from private enclosures. In the Bavarian Forest, the Harz Mountains and in the Eifel region in recent years, even the successful rearing of young lynx in the wild in Germany are confirmed.

When you think of the lynx, who thinks of large, quiet forests and deserted landscapes. Hardly anyone knows that lynx can survive well in our cultural landscape.

Lynx need a lot of space. The female lynx areas include, depending on the food supply 70-150 km ². In male lynx can contain up to 400 km ². In Germany, the animals live in forest landscapes, therefore, that lie not far from civilization.

The question of whether lynx in Germany have a chance of survival is decided largely in our heads. The aim of the NABU is therefore to promote a "human-lynx-ratio", which brings the natural requirements of the lynx in its natural habitat with the needs of the people in line. The NABU also supports the development of management strategies that are coordinated with all stakeholders. Such management strategies must include a package of measures in the fields of information, prevention, compensation and conflict management.

With many active volunteers and professional staff members of the NABU has been involved:

through participation in the lynx-advisor systems in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate,

with the payment of premiums for reporting confirmed lynx-proof in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hesse,

with the participation in a compensation fund for livestock cracks in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Please protect the lynx in Germany.


About 150 years ago was the only major European cat, lynx, extinct in Germany. Reason for the relentless persecution by humans. The lynx was not enacted primarily because of its beautiful fur, but because he was perceived as a direct competitor and hunting was considered a threat to the flock.

Lynxes live as loners who come together only during the short mating season. In Germany, the shy animals have been in the area in the Bavarian Forest (and the Bohemian Forest), in the Palatinate Forest (and the northern Vosges), in the Eifel region, and in the Black Forest, but also in the Danube Valley and parts of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony are detected. In the area of the Harz National Park, also have been released since 2001 a total of 24 lynx in a scientific project. There are probably always illegal reintroductions without scientific support, and outbreaks of lynx from private enclosures. In the Bavarian Forest, the Harz Mountains and in the Eifel region in recent years, even the successful rearing of young lynx in the wild in Germany are confirmed.
The question of whether lynx in Germany have a chance of survival is decided largely in our heads. The aim of the NABU is therefore to promote a "human-lynx-ratio", which brings the natural requirements of the lynx in its natural habitat with the needs of the people in line. The NABU also supports the development of management strategies that are coordinated with all stakeholders. Such management strategies must include a package of measures in the fields of information, prevention, compensation and conflict management.

With many active volunteers and professional staff members of the NABU has been involved:

through participation in the lynx-advisor systems in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hessen, nordrhein-Westfalen and Rheinland-Pfalz,

with the payment of premiums for reporting confirmed lynx-proof in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hessen,

with the participation in a compensation fund for livestock cracks in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Please protect the Lynx and help him to stay in Germany.


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