PLEASE SIGN - Demand Justice From Denver Police For Harley

Demand an apology from the Denver Police Department (DPD) and change their policy of not allowing bystanders to assist an animal in need.  The DPD responded to a call at 8:45 when a car went through a fence.  Harley, the 14 year old pet, got loose when a door was not closed properly and was injured in the accident.

The police called Denver's Animal Control department who arrived at 10 PM. I would have expected that Animal Control could have responded in a much timelier manner. While waiting for Animal Control to arrive, Harley was left suffering in the street gasping for air.  The DPD officer(s) would not allow bystanders to assist Harley; the officer even threatened to arrest a man who repeatedly attempted to help Harley.  DPD claims injured dogs are unpredictable.  All dogs might bite; after all they are animals and animals can be unpredictable.

Harley deserved more than allowing her to lie in the street gasping for air. At the least she deserved to be comforted. A trip to an animal hospital might have saved her, however, if not she would have been humanely euthanized, not made to suffer.

Please sign my petition so that the Denver Police Department apologizes to Harley’s owners and changes their means of handling injured pets in the future. Animal Control should respond within a reasonable amount of time, i.e. much less than an hour.  And bystanders should be allowed to assist and comfort animals injured.

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