Abolish the Dog Meat Trade in the Philippines

  • von: Nyack Clancy
  • empfänger: President of the Philippines, Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III

In the Philippines, every year, a half a million dogs are killed and consumed in the illegal dog meat trade. The dogs, (often stolen pets), are rounded up with their snouts tied shut and their front legs tied behind their back. Thousands die from suffocation during transport to makeshift slaughterhouses, where they have their throats slit while they are fully conscious of pain.

See more at: http://www.networkforanimals.org/campaigns/the-philippines-dog-meat-trade#sthash.x00luuKq.dpuf

Despite new legislation, the illegal dog meat trade is continuing to florish in the Philippines, because authorities will not enforce the law. We ask the President of the Philippines to enforce the trade laws, and abolish this brutal and barbaric dog meat industry.

SOURCE: http://e-activist.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1736&ea.campaign.id=12641&ea.tracking.id=email&forwarded=true

President of the Philippines
Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III
Presidential Communications Operations Office
3/F New Executive Building
Malacanang Compound
Email: op@president.gov.ph

In the Philippines, every year, a half a million dogs are killed and consumed in the illegal dog meat trade. The dogs, (often stolen pets), are rounded up with their snouts tied shut and their front legs tied behind their back. Thousands die from suffocation during transport to makeshift slaughterhouses, where they have their throats slit while they are fully conscious of pain.

See more at: http://www.networkforanimals.org/campaigns/the-philippines-dog-meat-trade#sthash.x00luuKq.dpuf

Despite new legislation, the illegal dog meat trade is continuing to florish in the Philippines, because authorities will not enforce the law. We ask the President of the Philippines to enforce the trade laws, and abolish this brutal and barbaric dog meat industry.

SOURCE: http://e-activist.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1736&ea.campaign.id=12641&ea.tracking.id=email&forwarded=true

President of the Philippines
Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III
Presidential Communications Operations Office
3/F New Executive Building
Malacanang Compound
Email: op@president.gov.ph

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