Convict Paul Ober of Animal Cruelty And Revoke His License Forever!

  • von: Valerie Burgess
  • empfänger: PA Dog Law Enforcement Office and Berk's County District Attorney John T. Adams

In the past, state wardens have cited Ober for keeping dogs in drum barrels, housing them in flooded pens and in outside enclosures without adequate access to shelter. They also found kennels and outdoor pen enclosures contained sharp, rusted metal edges, protruding nails and exposed electrical outlets. In addition, inspection reports show other violations, including unkempt kennels, dirty bedding and feeders that contained mildew, mold and dirt. In one instance a warden found a puppy tied by a short tether to a fence. In 2011 the Dog Law Enforcement Office revoked Ober’s license, citing the repeated violations. (Source: Amy Worden, Inquirer Staff Writer)

Paul Ober has repeatedly been found in violation of state dog laws.

This cannot be allowed to continue. It is obvious, in my opinion, that this man does not care for the health and emotional well being of the dogs that he is cashing in on. Enough is enough. This time his license needs to be revoked for good!

We, the undersigned, request that allegations of animal cruelty against Irish Setter breeder Paul Ober be fully investigated, and that he is charged with animal cruelty to the fullest extent. We also ask that Paul Ober's License be revoked forever. He has been found to be in repeated violation of Pa State Dog Laws, and appears to show no concern for the welfare of the animals in his keep. We urge you to put a stop to this cruelty. 

Update #1vor 10 Jahren
Thanks to all signers! We must act quickly, so I have sent current signatures to petition targets, and will continue to send as they come in. Thank you all and please reshare on fb, twitter, etc. and give this petition a boost!
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