end abuse at Bastrop and ARK-LA shipping pens

  • von: audrey stansbury
  • empfänger: https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/u-s-marshals-service ❌Police Chief A. Campbell of Bastrop Louisiana https://www.cityofbastrop.com/police-department ❌Louisiana Department of Justice https://www.ag.state.la.us/ ❌Governor of Louisiana: http:

The exportation of horses to Mexico and Canada should be stopped. The U.S. decided a long time ago that horse slaughter is wrong and ended it, However, horses from the U.S. are being exported to Mexico and Canada by the thousands, this loophole in the law has created a brutal market. Known animal abusers operate these operations. The transportation process of these horses is brutal; on their way to slaughter they endure days in the back of a semi with no food or water. Then there are stops where they are held in barbaric pens and supposedly fed and watered before being reloaded into hot trucks for their final destination in Mexico where they are slaughtered without U.S. welfare regulations. These holding pens in the U.S. are operated by known animal abusers, they have been observed and filmed beating horses unconscious, leaving horses heaving on the ground and left to die in the blazing sun, and baby horses who are born there struggle and die as their mothers, already depleted from this wretched journey deliver babies  helplessly watch them die or are loaded into trucks and the babies left on the ground to die. The worst of these holding facilities are Bastrop shipping pens and ARK-LA shipping pens. The brutality inflicted upon horses there is well documented and nothing has been done by lawmakers, or the USDA. We want this to change and we want it now. We demand a vet check by a qualified veterinarian for all horses, humane euthanization for horses who cannot endure transport, and all known animal abusers to be barred from these facilities immediately. The use of painkillers and nerve blocks to keep unwell and lame horses standing long enough to load into trucks or be sold as "sound" from these pens ended. As more people become aware of what is going on there is a growing public outcry for the protection of these noble creatures. We are starting with you. 

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