Decrease Exotic Hunting in the U.S.

  • von: Rachel F
  • empfänger: Gina McCarthy

There are certain parts of the U.S. where exotic hunting is well known. For example, Texas has acres of land set aside especially to hunt African game as well as other types of game. This is extremely sad because these hunters are brutally killing these precious animals just for sport and recreational use. They are not only taking away the animal's right to live, but also their chance at life too. The endangered species list is ever increasing, therefore, we should work to combat these forces which tend to undermine these species.

Dear my fellow citizens, 

My name is Rachel Freeman-Cohen and I am a senior at Temecula Valley high school. I am writing this petition because I am passionate about saving exotic animals from overexploitation. Since we live in a society where the media dictates what we see, it is very rare that something such as this topic is brought to attention. There are places in the United States where exotic hunting is legal. In my opinion, I think this is very wrong and something that needs to be heavily regulated. I am not blind to the fact that it will not stop entirely, but we can all do something to bring about a change. Please, think about the consequences of these actions and do whatever you can to stop this madness. 

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