Ellen, please bring Brett O’Gorman onto your show as a guest

Those of you who have discovered Brett on YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr know how funny he is. One of the first things you've done is to send links to his videos to your friends. Well, this is your chance to send the link to Brett O'Gorman to the world. If we can talk Ellen into bringing him on the show more people will have the chance to discover him and to laugh. We can't keep him our secret forever. Brett is ready to take on the world. Let's help him do it!

Send this petition to your friends, family and have your pets sign too. Romulus and Remus want to be famous.

Brett is the funniest man on YouTube. His fans there and on Tumblr have held onto him for far too long, depriving the rest of the world of his genius, or as he calls it “inspired lunacy”. He is a screamingly funny comedian who has entertained us with his impersonations of King Leonidas, Jack Can’t Reacher, an inquisitive velociraptor, Charleton Heston from Planet of the Apes, Julie Andrews in a silent version of The Sound of Music and much more.

Brett is active in the in local theater scene where he's portrayed an array of diverse and funny characters to the delight of Auckland audiences. He's also done more serious turns on TV and in short films. He is the co-director the award-winning short film “Dotty” a funny and touching look at an elderly nursing home resident who struggles to learn how to use her phone to send text messages.

Like all great comedians, Brett is multitalented and is also a world class pianist and composer who is entertaining fans with his exquisite compositions for solo piano.

So, you see, you really need to give some serious consideration to inviting Brett O'Gorman to share your couch, to make you laugh and entertain you. While he's there be sure to ask him about his pet rats; Romulus and Remus.

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