This Doctor Painted His Unsuspecting Patient's Vagina as a "Joke", and He Still Has His License

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Colorado Medical Board
Last year, when one of gynecologist Barry King's employees — a cancer survivor — discovered a vaginal lesion, she asked him for help. She was between doctors, and she feared that the lesion could be a sign that the cancer was back. Dr. King told her he would examine her, but what he did was far worse.

Oddly, after the exam, he told her to tell her husband to also take a look at her vagina. Then at home, she noticed something strange when she used the bathroom. There seemed to be purple dye on the toilet paper every time she used it.

The next day, when she saw Dr. King, he could barely control his giddiness. And that's when he told her what he had done. While he was giving her the exam he took the liberty of dying her privates purple as a "joke" for her husband. But this joke was far from funny, it was sexual assault.

Unfortunately, the Mesa County court didn't see it this way and let him off with a misdemeanor count of harassment that amounts to a slap on the wrist. His punishment? An apology, 100 hours of community service and a two-year probation, after which his conviction will be dropped as long as he doesn't paint another woman's vagina again.

The sentence is not only ludicrous, it's offensive. The victim trusted Dr. King as a medical professional to help her, but instead, he treated her private area as if it were his own personal canvas.

While the court system may ignore the gravity of Dr. King's actions we hope the Colorado Medical Board (CMB) doesn't take it so lightly. Mr. King is unworthy of being a medical professional and should never be allowed to treat someone again.

Please sign the petition and ask the CMB to revoke Dr. Barry King's license immediately.
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