Mr. Vlaming is a French teacher at WPHS. One of his female students has decided to identify as the male gender. Mr. Vlaming mistakenly referred to this student as "her" on 2 occasions this school year. The student's parent complained to the principal and Mr. Vlaming was asked to sign a paper stating he wouldn't refer to the student as a female. He stated he couldn't promise that he wouldn't "slip up" again because for the previous 2 school years the student identified as a female, still looks like a female and he's not use to the student as a male. Therefore Mr. Vlaming was suspended and has since received a letter of termination. Mr. Vlaming's words: "I won't use male pronouns with a female student that now identifies as a male though I did agree to use the new masculine name but avoid female pronouns. Administration is requiring that I use masculine pronouns in any and every context at school. I was informed that any further instances of using female pronouns would be grounds for termination." Mr.Vlaming doesn't want any attention drawn to the student during this process because he doesn't want the student to get hurt. HE WANTS TO FOCUS ON THE ADMINISTRATION'S REQUIREMENTS.
Update #3vor 6 Jahren
Well, the school board terminated M. Vlaming on Thursday Dec.6,2018. Most likely Mr. Vlaming will be appealing this decision and taking his case to a higher court. In the meantime though a GoFundMe page has been set up, you can find it as “Peter Vlaming Family Fund” He was the only source of income for his wife and 4 children(ages 1-10) Please donate if you are able. Every dollar counts! Thank you and God bless you all
Update #2vor 6 Jahren
There will be a public hearing on Thursday Dec.6,2018 at 3pm at the West Point High School chorus room. Please attend and show your support for Mr.Vlaming!
Update #1vor 6 Jahren
The school board has set a hearing for Dec.6,2018 @ 2:30pm to be held at the school board office. The problem with this is there is very limited space and the time of day doesn't allow parents who work and students to attend. If you feel that the hearing should be moved to a larger facility in West Point, and be at a later time in the day, please contact the school board members and superintendent. Their contact information can be found on West Point Public Schools, VA website.