Tell to stop selling kangaroo meat pet food!

One billion animals, including thousands of kangaroos, died in the latest Australian fires. Already, the killing of kangaroos is the largest land-based wildlife slaughter in the world. The fires have put some species of kangaroos in an even more perilous situation.

Despite the fires, corporations like are profiting from the deaths of the animals we are so hopeful can be saved., the largest online US pet retailer, sells dog food and treats made from kangaroos. Rather than profiting from the Australian government sanctioned mass slaughter of the country's national symbol, Chewy has an opportunity to help save these wild animals now.

Kangaroos are shot at night in the wild and left to die. Their joeys (baby kangaroos) are clubbed, shot, or decapitated, while non-pouched young kangaroos are left to die after their mothers are killed.

We don't want Chewy selling any animals, but we recognize that  kangaroos are being ruthlessly slaughtered and the only place where they live on Earth is being impacted by the fires, adding to the stress of their survival. 

Companies like Versace, Paul Smith, Carrefour, every major British supermarket chain, and Pets at Home have already stopped selling kangaroo products.

Demand that be a global leader that protects, rather than profits from, kangaroos.

To get more involved, please email and follow on Twitter @SaveKangaroos

Update #2vor 3 Jahren
Hoppy #WorldKangarooDay!
Today, can you write a message on Chewy’s social media pages with #ChewyCanSaveRoos and #WorldKangarooDay. And, mention if you are a customer!

Sample message:
As a multi-billion company, instead of profiting off of #kangaroos, #ChewyCanSaveRoos! #Australia #wildlife #kangaroo #WorldKangarooDay

Also, check out our new website:

Thank you for all you do for kangaroos!
Sarah and lauren
Update #1vor 4 Jahren
Chewy expects to have more than US $6.5 billion in sales this year. Last year, CEO Sumit Singh, earned nearly US $150 million in total compensation.

Can you write on Chewy’s social media pages to demand the company stop profiting off of kangaroos! Use #SaveKangaroos & mention if you are a customer.

Thank you!
PS: Read & share our new op-ed:
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