Vicasso Lara was arrested for torturing and killing his dog, and then baked it in an oven...
Add your name if you agree that he deserves to never be allowed to own any animal ever again!
"Vicasso Lara, 24, stabbed and beat the dog before placing it in an oven and heating it to its highest setting, the Lee County Sheriff's Office said," according to Click Orlando.
What kind of human wicked being could even think of doing this?!
"This is possibly the most brutal and horrific example of animal abuse my team or I have ever seen. I'm speechless," said Sheriff Carmine Marceno.
The scene law enforcement encountered is unspeakable.
"Deputies said they found pools of blood outside and bloody footprints leading inside, where the dog was found in the oven.
"Investigators said Lara stabbed and bludgeoned the dog," according to the same source.
All the poor little dog wanted was to give someone its love.
But this evil man chose to stab it and beat it.
Over and over. And over. And over. And over...
And then, by all appearances, he planned to EAT it!
Defenseless animals deserve to be protected from someone like Vicasso Lara.
The way forward is clear.
Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.
That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would ensure criminals like this are given the strictest possible punishment.
Don't you think it's absurd to give criminals like Lara a slap on the wrist?
Then add your name to ask Senator Bernie Sanders to draft legislation that would impose severe punishments on criminals who abuse helpless animals!