Reject Trump’s “hereby demand” for baseless investigation into Obama administration

  • von: OD Action
  • empfänger: The U.S. Department of Justice

Having failed to stop the investigation into his campaign's illegal collusion with Russia through media bullying and the ousting of FBI Director James Comey, President Trump has "hereby" demanded that the Department of Justice (DoJ) investigate whether the FBI "infiltrated or surveilled" his campaign for political purposes during the Obama administration.

Not only is Trump's demand completely devoid of evidence, it is a transparent attempt to obstruct justice through distraction and diversion, and we hereby demand the Justice Department tell him NO!

Trump knows DoJ will not find anything of substance, but as usual, he is crying foul in order to distract from his own crimes and confuse the public as to the circumstances of his obvious guilt. The tactic is right out of the Nixon playbook and his been rejected by every president since — and for good reason.

As the subject of a sweeping Justice Department investigation, it is grossly inappropriate and unethical for the the president to make demands that are transparently designed to distract from and derail the probe into his own criminal conduct.

Add your name to tell the Department of Justice to reject Trump's obstructionist request to investigate the FBI and Obama administration.

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