A School Allegedly Forced a Native American Boy To Cut His Culturally Significant Hair

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Frontier Public Schools and Superintendent Erron Kauk

A troubling incident at Frontier Public Schools in Red Rock, Oklahoma, has left a family seeking answers and accountability. A 7-year-old autistic and non-verbal Native American student, returned home from school with his culturally significant long hair inexplicably cut. This act not only disregarded his personal and cultural identity but also raised serious concerns about the supervision and respect provided by the school staff.

Sign this petition to demand that Frontier Public Schools issue a formal apology to the child and his family, and take immediate steps to ensure such a disrespectful act does not happen again.

Despite the school's investigation claiming no staff involvement, the circumstances described by the child's mother suggest a failure in maintaining a safe and respectful environment for her son. Given that the child requires constant supervision and that the classroom was equipped with sufficient aides, the explanation provided by the school remains highly unsatisfactory.

Public schools in America must give students the right to express their cultural identities without fear of disrespect or negligence. It's crucial that Frontier Public Schools recognize their responsibility in nurturing an inclusive and safe learning environment for every student, honoring all cultural backgrounds.

Sign the petition to urge Frontier Public Schools to make amends and uphold their duty to protect and respect the diverse cultures of their student body.

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