Stand With Susan Rice Against GOP Attacks

  • von: Susan V
  • empfänger: John McCain and Lindsey Graham

Sen. John McCain is leading a charge against UN Ambassador Susan Rice, threatening to block her nomination to replace Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Joining McCain in the attack, SC Sen. Lindsey Graham said Rice could not be trusted because of her reports following the Sept.11 attack in Benghazi.

At a news conference, Obama emphatically condemned the GOP senators for going after Rice, who “had nothing to do with Benghazi,” simply because she made a “presentation based on intelligence” she'd received. He called the attacks an “outrageous” attempt to “besmirch” Rice’s reputation.

Giving one reason why Obama reacted with such contempt for the senators‘ criticism, White House aides noted that the senators had received the same CIA talking points Rice had used when she attributed the Benghazi attack to an anti-Islamic video promoted in the US. Apparently neither senator has evidence to prove otherwise.

Tell Obama you stand with Rice and support her nomination for Secretary of State.

We, the undersigned, agree with President Obama that the attacks on Susan Rice by senators McCain, Graham and others are unjustified.

Reuters and the New York Times both reported on the day of the violence in Benghazi that spokesman for Libya's Supreme Security Committee Abdel-Monen Al-Hurr connected the Benghazi attack with the protests that had occurred in Cairo, “where demonstrators scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy, tore down the American flag and burned it during a protest over what they said was a film that insulted Prophet Mohammad.”

Based on Reuters’ report, prior to the protests, Egypt's Al-Azhar mosque had condemned the film and a planned mock trial of Mohammad “organised by a U.S. group including Terry Jones, a Christian pastor who triggered riots in Afghanistan in 2010 by threatening to burn the Koran.” Jones’ group had advertised the “trial” to be held on Sept. 11 and carried live on the internet, said Reuters.

CBS recently published the talking points Ambassador Rice was given, and they clearly support the report she gave the public in Sept.

Most outrageous is the hypocrisy associated with this criticism of Susan Rice by GOP senators who staunchly defended Condoleezza Rice after she repeated faulty intelligence in the lead-up to the Iraq War.

Given these facts, along with the intelligence Rice received, we see no excuse for GOP senators to blame Rice for her reports or to block her nomination for Secretary of State.

We stand with Rice and request you end your unjustified attack on her reputation.

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