Reject Trump's horrible tariff-tax plan that will cost American consumers billions

  • von: Left Action
  • empfänger: Congressional and other leaders

Donald Trump is promising to put a massive tariff-tax on imported goods, an incredibly asinine policy move that would reignite inflation, push us into recession, and put American exports at risk across the board.

It's a horrible idea, economists across the board oppose it, and Democrats and Republicans need to join together to fight it.

Trump claims that the massive taxes on all imports would be paid 100% by other countries, and 0% by Americans. And once again, Trump proves he knows nothing about economic policy.

Have you ever bought something at a store, ever? You know how when the sales tax is added, you pay it, and foreign leaders don't magically appear to pay it for you? That's basically how this works. Tariff-taxes added will be paid for overwhelmingly by consumers. Which will drive up inflation AND spur a recession at the same time.

Don't let Trump ruin our economy and take thousands of dollars out of your pocket. Add your name, and call on leaders across the aisle to oppose Trump's tax-tariff plan.

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