The EPA Isn't Letting Communities Curtail Pollution

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Environmental Protection Agency
It's apparently time to rename the Enivornmental Protection Agency the "Environmental Destruction Agency", because that seems to be their new mission. In the latest horrible move, they are planning to weaken rules that allow communities to have a voice in how much pollution is allowed in their area.

Please sign on to ask the EPA not to make this move, essentially silencing the very people who suffer from increased pollution.

In the past, members of the community have had recourse for when companies have polluted the air or water supply in any given area. This shift in the EPA would mean they no longer have a way to address pollution issues. Yet, companies still get a huge voice. It doesn't make any sense given that people are the ones who would suffer directly from increased pollution and companies are the ones who would profit from being able to pollute as much as they want. 

We cannot let the very agency meant to protect the environment actually work to completely destroy it. We have so little time to address climate change and moves like this send us in the wrong direction while also disempowering the people. 

Please sign on to tell the EPA you do not support this weakening!

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