Restore Democracy

  • von: George Russert
  • empfänger: Volunteers For Crowd-funded Social Experiment in Democracy Needed

If you are among the 90% of US Citizens who believe political corruption is caused by money in Politics, we need your help to prove We The People can correct this. 

This social experiment can only work if enough people believe special interest funding of political elections must end.

Ideally, 100 million people each pledging $1 would be a voice heard round the world. Practically however, since this experiment only started May 1 of this year, too few people even know about it yet. It is in a building process. We need as many volunteers as possible right now to take this to the next level, actually influencing elections in the November Mid Terms.

If you wish to be part of this experiment to prove that "The People" can still make a difference, that every vote is critically important, and you will no longer be dictated to by a tiny minority of the wealthiest members of this society, this is your chance to do something NOW. 

Here's how it works. Go to http://MayOne.US and make your pledge to MayDayPac. Whatever you are comfortable with is exactly the right amount, whether it's $1 or $1,000. It's more important that you participate then how much you pledge. The more people involved, the less each person needs to pledge for this experiment to reach it's funding goal by July 4th. Just 430k of us each pledging $10 is all it takes to start reclaiming Democracy beginning in the November Mid Terms!

Why do we need a Citizen funded Super Political Action Committee in the first place? Because Special Interests have proven to us time after time it is the ONLY thing that works! It is the only thing politicians respond to and act upon.  

If enough people do not participate and that goal is not achieved, everyone will receive a 100% refund of the amount they pledged. Additionally, should our goal be met and we move to the next phase, not one cent of anyone's pledge will be used for operating expenses or salaries. Everyone involved from top to bottom are volunteers, and operating costs are covered by others.

You have nothing to lose if we do not get enough volunteers, and gain a road to reclaiming Democracy if we do. Make this experiment a reality so we can take back both Houses of Congress in 2016.

Will you join us? http://MayOne.US  

Also, Please Sign This Petition so others on this site can find this and share it on Facebook and Twitter. Thank You

Links to recent media coverage-  


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