Say No to Nuclear Power in Japan!

  • von: Lynn Hamilton
  • empfänger: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda

Japanese residents simply don't trust nuclear power. Summer temperatures in Tokyo have reached record highs, and many middle-class residents do not have air conditioning. But it seems they would rather sweat it out than take the nuclear shortcut. 

Over 100,000 Japanese protesters took to the streets of Tokyo to decry their government's nuclear power program. Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has reopened nuclear installations that were shut down for safety reasons. Protesters are basically saying they would rather do without than suffer the dangers of unsafe power. They have every reason to mistrust nuclear power which has a history of catastrophic melt downs and environmental destruction. 

Tell Noda to find clean, safe energy solutions for Japan and stop pushing unsafe nuclear power plants! 

We the undersigned support the more than 100,000 protesters who have taken to your streets to register their disapproval of nuclear power. 

It appears that, despite unbearable summer temperatures and a lack of air conditioning, many Japanese would rather sweat it out than risk the dangers of nuclear power. They rightfully worry that you have reopened power plants that were shut down for safety reasons. You need to listen to the many, many Japanese that do not trust nuclear power.

Nuclear energy is simply too unsafe and harmful to the environment in the long run. You should not resort to nuclear power, but develop and invest in clean energy solutions like wind and solar energy. 

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