Wisconsin Legislators Are Trying to Weaken Animal Oversight of Some Zoos

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Wisconsin Legislature

Legislators in Wisconsin are trying to exempt state license requirements for zoos accredited by the Zoological Association of America (ZAA). But the ZAA has a scary track record when it comes to conditions and treatment, and animal rights advocates are rightfully worried. 

What animals in zoos need are stronger protections from states, not weaker ones.

Zoos accredited by the ZAA have a history of poor conditions, including ones that are dangerous for humans. At ZAA-accredited facilities, people have been hurt by lion cubs, a tiger, a bear, an elephant, and an orangutan. Clearly this accreditation doesn't mean much!

Sign now to tell the Wisconsin legislature to reject this dangerous bill!

In fact, some zoo workers and animal experts have argued that a ZAA accreditation basically means nothing at all. ZAA zoos also allow dangerous breeding conditions and often give literal roadside zoos – glorified playgrounds with cages where animals are torturously kept – accreditation.

Relaxing these laws will almost certainly result in more animals being harmed and potentially pose risks to humans who visit these zoos, too. That is exactly why legislators should not pass Senate Bill 126! Sign the petition now if you agree!

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