• von: Susan Marquez
  • empfänger: MAYOR Larry Mc Lellan of Big Spring Texas

Because of the ban on photos and video at our community pound the forgotten dogs and puppies from Big Spring Texas will not get the exposure they need to find loving homes, rescues or be pulled off death row.
Allowing only 1 person from our whole community to take pictures at the pound is taking away from community involvement and risks a higher kill shelter than we already have!
Reverse your decision Mr Mayor, allow the community to be more involved in the awareness of our four legged citizens!
Our tax money is paying for this pound!

Pictures say a thousand words... those words could save a life.  PLEASE Sign and Share so the Mayor of  Big Spring Texas and members of City Council will see that Pictures of our 4 legged citizens should not be left to just 1 person. This is our community pound.

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