Please sign our petition which will be handed over to the Japanese Ambassador to South Africa.
Taiji, Japan is the modern-day Auschwitz for Dolphins. Each year over 2000 dolphins are driven into a cove by disabling their sonar with deafening sound. Once netted off in the cove, trainers from the Whale Museum come to select dolphins for captivity. This selection process is brutal. Juveniles are ripped from their mothers' sides. Many dolphins have drowned as the trainers tackle them in the water. Once selected they are kept netted off from their pod. The dolphin hunters drag the rest of the pod under blue tarps of shame where they die unspeakable deaths at the hands of killers, their suffering lasting almost 10 minutes. The Japanese government claimed that they die within seconds but secret footage under the blue tarps shows why the killers go to such great lengths to hide their dirty work.
The cruel hunt as we know it today began in 1969 and is a combination of whaling history, pest control and the hungry captive industry that pays well for their dolphin performers. This is NOT about culture of tradition, this is about making money and animal cruelty.