They Burned a Family Dog's Skin with Ammonia After Breaking Into the Wrong House

When three men in Virginia burglarized the wrong home, they didn't decide to call off their break-in. No. Instead, they poured ammonia on one of the family's two dogs, leaving the innocent animal with chemical burns.

Sign the petition to protect pets by banning these men from living with animals in the future!

The three men had intended to break into the home of a local drug dealer. Instead, they accidentally burglarized a different home. Armed with a semi-automatic gun, they stole a number of items and abused the dogs once they began barking at the intruders.

Luckily, the family's home surveillance camera captured the whole ordeal on video, and authorities were able to find the men involved. All three men have pleaded guilty, admitted fault, and shown remorse for their actions. They are awaiting their sentences now.

However, it's still important to protect other animals from them in the future. We must urge authorities to protect other pets by banning these men from living with animals again! Who knows what could happen next time.

Sign the petition to keep other animals safe!
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