Demand a full forensic audit of the 2020 election results in Pennsylvanis

    We the undersigned support Election Integrity in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the desire the full confidence in our elected officials who certified the General Election for 2020 that their decision as honest and true.

    Too achieve that goal, we the undersigned demand a full, professional and highly transparent forensic audit, not a recount, of the posted results of the 2020 General Election on November 3,2020 in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    If you support this issue, please review this petition then enter your information electronically including your name, address, Pa county and polling location.

    We will respond with an email confirmation and notify with periodic updates for volunteer opportunities.

    Remember, this is the time to act because believe it or not there are Pennsylvania Republicans who object to a real forensic audit ,this is not another recount.

    All it takes is Pennsylvania patriots to sign this petition and show the politicians we want to see the truth. Please sign it today and tell you family members and friends.
    Petition unterzeichnen
    Petition unterzeichnen
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