Boycott Zoos.Revenge for Marius

  • von: Patricia Losch
  • empfänger: Bengt Holst and all the Zoos in the world who kill animals

I was outraged when I learned this morning that the Copenhagen Zoo shot a completely healthy two year old giraffe to afterwards cut it in small pieces and feed it to the predators just because the animal could not be used for breeding because of inbreeding.The Copenhagen Zoo saw no way of making money so Marius had to die .He was not profitable.Is that the politics of Zoos???I am of the opinion that wild animals do not belong in a prison called Zoo where the death penalty can be negotiated.They have the right to live in freedom and in their natural environment.This is a request to all the Zoos.

Don't deal relecktlessly with animal's lives which you should protect.Let them stay where they belong.You are not better than the poachers who shoot them,maybe just better paid and not punished for your crimes.

Rest in peace,little Marius.I hope that your death was not en vain,and that the Zoos will reflect about what they are actually good for,NOTHING.

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