Boycott China for Animal cruelty and human Rights Violations

  • von: Chrissy H.
  • empfänger:,,

China violates human rights in a variety of ways.Rule of Law mechanisms in place to prevent human rights violations, such as an independent judiciary, access to counsel on detention, habeas corpus, the right to public trial, are absent in China. China, according to its constitution, is ruled by the Communist Party. It is not ruled by law.

In Xinjiang province in China are over one million Uyghurs 8 turkish people) are detained in camps.

China calls it re-education camps. But stories of internment and tortour abound.

China invaded Tibet in 1950 . After more than 60 years of occupation , Tibetan´s still resist China´s rules and defy its oppression.


China has been well known for paying scant attention to issues affecting the welfare of animals. The most stark examples have included live dogs , cats and other animals crammed into tiny cages for sale as meat in markets, live cattle and goats being fed to zoo animals for public entertainment and dogs being skinned alive for fur production.

The Virus behind Covid19 who infected millions of people worldwide and killed thousand is thought to have originated in a Wet Market in Wuhan, China. Wet Markets  are barbaric, dangerous, unhygienic , they also  have  live animals who are often slaughtered in front of customers. Wet markets need to ban.


save the animals. boycott China!
save Tibet. boycott China!

I urge the chinese Government to close Wildlife Markets, respect animalrights and human rights!

I iurge the UN, WHO, European Uion, World Leaders to stop trading with China until China close dangerous Wildlife Markets, respect Animarights and Humanrights!

Please sign and share the Petition!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

China violates human rights in a variety of ways.Rule of Law mechanisms in place to prevent human rights violations, such as an independent judiciary, access to counsel on detention, habeas corpus, the right to public trial, are absent in China. China, according to its constitution, is ruled by the Communist Party. It is not ruled by law. 


China has been well known for paying scant attention to issues affecting the welfare of animals. The most stark examples have included live dogs , cats and other animals crammed into tiny cages for sale as meat in markets, live cattle and goats being fed to zoo animals for public entertainment and dogs being skinned alive for fur production.

We urge the Government of China to respect human Rights and Animal Rights.


Update #2vor 4 Jahren
The COVID19 Virus outbreak was just a matter of Time: After Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, avian flu, swine flu, SARS, HIV, Ebola, and other diseases nothing changed.

All Viruses linked to meat production or consumption.
Wake up! the next virus is just a matter of time! Ban factory farming, Ban wildlife Markets ,ban hunting ,Stop the Wildlife Trade, stop eating animals
Thank you for signing, please continue sharing!
Update #1vor 5 Jahren
Dear Supporters, thank you for more than 12000 Signatures! The Coronavirus puts Million People worldwide in danger

Please continue your support and share the Petition!
Thank you!
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