Wild Animals Need To Live On Wildlife Preserves, Not Caged In Zoos.

  • von: Sathya K
  • empfänger: Governments, parliaments, politicians: local, state, federal, national, EU, UN; Political parties, presidents, prime ministers, senators, ambassadors

Recently, A woman at an Arizona zoo crossed a barrier to take a selfie in front of a caged jaguar. Naturally, she was attacked through the cage and suffered non-life-threatening cuts and scrapes. Naturally, The Jaguar , a caged wild animal, was instinctively protecting its territory. Let's allow them their natural territory. We cage these animals to pay a price and view them, while hundreds of wildlife die in zoos from inadequate care or worse. We love our animals but it is not worth depriving them of their wildlife habitat as it was meant to be. It is our barbaric practice that needs to end. Demand that this topic arises legislation, to allocate the appropriate funds and start the process of wildlife preserves rather than zoos.

Update #4vor 5 Jahren
Let’s share to get halfway there!!!
Update #3vor 6 Jahren
Almost halfway to our goal!! Let’s make a difference, one share at a time!
Update #2vor 6 Jahren
Let’s keep sharing! Many don’t care. We do.
Update #1vor 6 Jahren
🎯 noted
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