#FreeKesha! Tell Sony Not to Let Her Alleged Abuser Profit Off of Her Work

Pop star Kesha is known for her infectious hits "Tik Tok" and "Die Young." But she has not released new music since 2013 - an eternity in the world of pop - because she is currently tied up in a legal battle with her allegedly abusive producer Dr. Luke (Lukasz Gottwald).

Kesha says Dr. Luke coerced into drinking and taking drugs and sexually assaulted her when she was just 18. She says he threatened to ruin her career if she spoke up.

Kesha's contract with Dr. Luke's Kemosabe Records label, which was absorbed into Sony last year, prevents her from recording with anyone else until she has created eight records.

"I know I cannot work with Dr. Luke," Kesha has said. "I physically cannot. I don't feel safe in any way."

Kesha has filed an injunction that would prevent Dr. Luke from interfering with her signing with another label. Dr. Luke has counter-sued her for defamation, and now both cases are tied up in the courts - further jeopardizing the singer/songwriter's career.

"With no new music to perform, Kesha cannot tour," states a memorandum from her lawyer. "Off the radio and stage and out of the spotlight, Kesha cannot sell merchandise, receive sponsorships, or get media attention. Her brand value has fallen, and unless the Court issues this injunction, Kesha will suffer irreparable harm, plummeting her career past the point of no return."

It's our hope the court grants this injunction, but Sony can end all of this right now by voluntarily terminating Kesha's contract with Dr. Luke. Please sign the petition to tell Sony to #FreeKesha: Don't allow her alleged abuser to continue profiting off of her creativity and work!
Update #6vor 6 Jahren
The courts have once again ruled against Kesha, continuing to uphold the validity of her contract with Dr. Luke, despite the years of abuse she suffered at his hands. Even though she no longer has to work directly with him, he is still profiting off of her work. Share this petition with your friends to demand that Sony #FreeKesha once and for all from her contract with Dr. Luke.
Update #5vor 8 Jahren
BREAKING NEWS! Sources told The Wrap that Sony plans to end its contract with Dr. Luke a year ahead of its scheduled end, which would effectively #FreeKesha from her alleged abuser once and for all!! >> http://bit.ly/220aodI The planned rally will now be a #SonyIsDroppingDrLukeParty and "thank you" event. So join us this Friday at Sony Music Headquarters!
Update #4vor 8 Jahren
Now more than ever we need to keep up the pressure on Sony Music to #FreeKesha! So join us this Friday at Sony Music Headquarters for a rally to show that we won't give up until they release Kesha from her contract. Bring signs! Bring glitter! Bring friends!
Update #3vor 8 Jahren
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who attended today's courthouse rally! We showed our support for Kesha, but unfortunately the judge ruled against her. That means it's more important than ever that we keep the pressure up on Sony! >> http://on.fb.me/1OkncOW You can read more about the protest on Fuse >> http://on.fuse.tv/1SFJ0wg
Update #1vor 8 Jahren
Calling all Kesha fans and human rights warriors: we're going to protest to #FreeKesha during her next hearing! We'll meet at 9 a.m. on Jan. 26. at the New York State Supreme Courthouse, 60 Centre St, New York, NY. Hope to see you there! BYO glitter
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