We Demand Demand An Impartial Investigation Into The Death Of Sandra Bland!

  • von: Care2 Team
  • empfänger: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and the Texas Department of Public Safety

In 2015, Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old black woman on her way to a job interview, was pulled over and arrested in Waller County Texas for "failing to signal" while changing lanes.

Only days later, this bright young woman – an outspoken advocate against police brutality – was mysteriously found dead in her jail cell.

The Waller County Sheriff's office said her death was "self-inflicted asphyxiation," or suicide by hanging. But Bland's family says this absolutely could not be true – Bland was excited to start a new job and a new life in Texas and would never hurt herself.

Please sign the petition to demand a NEW independent investigation in Bland's arrest and mysterious death in police custody!

Recently, shocking new cell footage of the arrest – recorded by Bland, herself – was released by Waller County police and it shows huge inconsistencies from the official police account.

In the 39-second clip, Bland is heard asking Waller County Tropper, Brian Encina "Why am I being apprehended?" while moving her cell phone to better record him. Encinia aggressively shouts commands while pointing a stun gun towards her face, saying "Get out of the car. I will light you up."

Additional bystander footage shows another view of how aggressively police handled what should have been a routine traffic stop. In the footage, Bland is thrown to the ground by one officer, saying "You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that?" 

Trooper Encinia was eventully fired from the department – but no charges against him were ever pursued.

This new footage makes it clear that circumstances around Bland's death are highly suspect and her family is demanding that her case be immediately reopened.

Please help keep the pressure on with your signature. We need to get to the truth of her wrongful arrest and death. Sign the petition to demand a new independent investigation into Sandra Bland's arrest and death!

Dear Kirby Dendy,

On Friday 10 July, Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old woman from Chicago, was pulled over by police in Waller County, Texas, for improper signaling. When she allegedly became combative on the side of the road, she was arrested on charges of assaulting a public servant.

After spending the weekend in jail, she was discovered dead on Monday morning from what the Waller County Sheriff's office said "appears to be self-inflicted asphyxiation" - suicide by hanging.

The incident was reported in local press at the time, but it was only on July 16 when a video was released, bringing Bland's story to national and international attention. Filmed by a bystander, Bland can be heard saying to the officer restraining her: "You just slammed my head into the ground. Do you not even care about that?" Another officer repeatedly tells the man with the recording device that he "needs to leave", before Bland thanks him for recording the incident and is led away in handcuffs.

The circumstances of Bland's death appear highly suspect, and therefore I am sure you will agree that it is crucial to conduct a full, impartial investigation, so that there is no indication of impropriety.

This should begin with an independent autopsy to determine the cause of death.

Thank you for your time,

Update #1vor 9 Jahren
On Monday a grand jury decided there was no wrongdoing by the Sheriff's Department or jailers in Sandra Bland's death. But Bland's family says the case was not thoroughly investigated or fairly presented to the grand jury. Now is the time to speak up even louder to demand an independent investigation! Please share the petition with your Facebook friends.
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