Don't Let Congress Further Weaken Environmental Protections!

The Environmental Protection Agency is charged with protecting America's air, land, and water ways from pollution and degradation. The EPA never has enough money to do what it needs to do. Nuclear waste sites go unremediated because the EPA is so short changed.

So why are Republicans trying to make the EPA even less effective than it already is by cutting its budget and restricting its authority? The latest Republican budget proposal shamelessly hobbles the EPA because it has a history of working with activists to make the world better and safer. 

Please join me in asking Congress to reject the House Budget Committee's FY 2016 budget resolution and to increase, rather than cut, the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Dear Congress Members:

I am outraged to learn that you are trying to cut the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency. You should, instead, be increasing it. The EPA does what it can to protect average Americans against greedy polluters, and you should be supporting its work, not undercutting it. You note in your budget resolution that the EPA faces numerous law suits. I wish you would do your homework. If you did, you would know that a lion's share of those suits were filed by environmentalists who think the EPA is doing nowhere near enough to protect our air and waterways. Please amend your budget resolution for fiscal year 2016 to increase the EPA's budget.

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