FOX, Stop Stigmatizing SNAP recipients!

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) makes sure children, seniors, and the disabled get enough to eat. So why is Fox News characterizing these food assistance recipients as lazy bon vivants?

A recent Fox News broadcast targeted a musician who also surfs, claiming that he lives in luxury -- eating lobster, surfing all day, and clubbing all night -- at the expense of tax payers. But the vast majority of SNAP recipients do work. It's just that their low-paying jobs don't pay enough to put enough food on the table for their children. Fox cruelly asserted that SNAP recipients should feel ashamed and stigmatized. According to, seventy percent of SNAP recipients are children, disabled, or elderly.

Being poor is not a crime. Tell Fox News to stop insulting SNAP recipients and robbing them of their dignity!
We the undersigned are dismayed at your characterization of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients.

Seventy percent of the people who benefit from SNAP (formerly food stamps) are children, elderly, or disabled. SNAP recipients who CAN work DO work, for the most part. Many work long, long hours at physically demanding, low-income jobs. They just don't make enough money to pay the rent AND the groceries.

Shame of you for attacking some of the nation's most vulnerable people. We demand that you desist from stigmatizing SNAP recipients and focus on real solutions regarding enforcement of SNAP standards.
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