Call Upon the Australian Government to Protect the Dingo

Too many of our beautiful native animals throughout the world are declining at a very fast and frightening rate.  The Australian Dingo is one of those precariously close to extinction.  We do not want to see this happen.  Please sign this petition by Call Upon the Australian Government to Protect the Dingo, as a matter of extreme urgency.

The Australian Dingo.  These most exquisite and beautiful animals, native to Australia and in residence for far longer than you or I, and who can trace their heritage back to the first dog, the wolf, are under serious threat through no fault of their own but that of mismanagement, misunderstanding and lack of a duty of care by those who have been given custody of their wellbeing.  They have also been much maligned resulting in an unwanted celebrity that they do not, and never have deserved.

Unfortunately, the legal status for the dingo in Australia varies drastically from state to state with some states refusing to acknowledge the protective stance of the United Nations.

"LEGAL STATUS  Until 2004 the dingo was classified as "Lower Risk/least concern" on the Red List of Threatened Species, but in that year they changed the assessment to vulnerable as the number of "pure" dingoes had decreased to about 30% because of interbreeding with other domestic dogs.  The dingo is regarded as a regulated, native species (but not threatened) under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999) in the Commonwealth of Nations and is therefore protected in the national parks of the Commonwealth, as well as in World Heritage Sites and other conservation areas.  However, this law also allows that dingoes can be controlled in areas where they have a proven impact on the environment."

As a matter of urgency, We Call Upon the Australian Government to Protect the Dingo by reviewing this status and in states where the dingo is least protected, address the legislation and implement change so that they are no longer vulnerable.  Their care and protection should also be covered under the Cruelty to Animals legislation providing for the ability of the RSPCA to act for, and on behalf of the dingo.

The most pressing issue at the moment for the dingo, is that of the Fraser Island Dingo.  It is the last pure strain of dingo in Australia and is most at risk.  Currently, an assessment is being undertaken by EcoSure, at the request of the current Queensland State Government.  That report which is anticipated will address recommendations for the care of the dwindling population of dingoes on Fraser Island, together with a review of the current management strategies, is due to be released in December 2012.  We Call Upon the Australian Government and request that the Fraser Island Dingoes be classified as a threatened, endangered species and that there be a complete and immediate moratorium on culling, until an independent scientific team including an independent dingo expert, with NO connections to EcoSure, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, and any political party, completes an on-ground study/survey to assess the amount and condition of the remaining dingoes, including food sources on the Island and furthermore, to determine how close they are to extinction.

The recent hunting down and killing of Inky, a dingo loved by many, but most of all by the Butchulla, the traditional owners of Fraser Island, has angered many Australians and in particular, the Butchulla Elders who requested the right to bury Inky themselves.  This was denied by QPWS.

This is not only cruel but has disrespected the wishes of the traditional owners and We Call Upon the Australian Government to ensure that this kind of total disregard for our First Australians must not occur again.

Further to this, and in support of the dingo, a “Submission on the Effectiveness of Threatened Species and Ecological Communities’ Protection in Australia” has been lodged with the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications at Parliament House, Canberra.

Federal Parliament of Australia

This petition was created on behalf of the Call Upon the Australian Government to Protect the Dingo organisation and has collected over 8,000 signatures world-wide.  The initial target was 5,000.

The action we require from the governmnent is for the dingo, an animal native to Australia, to be protected under Federal law because at this stage the level of protection varies from state to state and in some states, it is not protected at all.  A particular case in point is that of the Fraser Island dingo, the last of the pure bred strains of dingo left in Australia.

Please consider this petition carefully and with the respect due to any native animal of Australia. They are all relevant to the environmental health and wellbeing of our country and this includes the dingo.

Thank you.

Update #1vor 11 Jahren
The target for this petition was 5,000 signatures. We have now reached 7,166. The petition is now with the office of Senator Claire Moore and will be presented when Parliament is back in session, which at this stage is still not clear. However, a fantastic result, even though it seems to be taking more time than anticipated. Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared.
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