Gov. Hochul: Support NYC's energy transition--don't surrender to DC!

    The NY Department of Public Service is actively considering ending the Queensboro Renewable Express transmission project — an essential plan to deliver clean energy to NYC and convert the city's largest fossil fuel power plant.

    That cannot happen. Any effort to delay or deny the Queensboro Renewable Express will harm New York City and New York State's future — and cost us more later. The project is essential to achieving 100% emission-free electricity by 2040 and protecting the surrounding low-income communities from environmental and health risks. And the project will ensure NYC residents are able to afford reliable, clean energy while prioritizing local jobs.

    That is why dozens of community organiations, advocacy groups, labor organizations and elected officials support the Queensboro Renewable Express.

    We need support, not surrender. State regulators cannot bow down to President Trump's attempt to kill renewable energy. Governor Hochul: please protect New Yorkers' future by protecting the Queensboro Renewable Express!

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