Tell Walmart to Stop Abusing Pigs

  • von: Ally J
  • empfänger: Walmart

What may not surprise you is that you can buy pork, bacon, and other meat from a pig at walmart. What may surprise you is the unimaginable cruelty that happens behind factory farms, which is where walmart and other companies source their animal products. Please sign my petition and share it forward to tell Walmart that this abuse is never okay.

A pig's life on a factory farm starts out brutal. At just 3 days old the males are cut into 4 times, most of the cuts unnecessary. Their tail is cut off, their teeth are cut in half, their ears are cut into, and the part between their legs is ripped from them. It's a similar story for the females, but the part between their legs is not ripped out. This is done with no anesthetic whatsoever.

When they are 3 weeks old, they are ripped from their mom. They will never see her again. The males are taken to one building and the females another. The females will be put into a crate where they can barely turn around. They will give birth to over 100 babies before they are killed for meat. The males will be put into a crate with over 20 other pigs. The crate is incredibly cramped, and their urine and manure will fall into a pit below the building. The ammonia will make it hard for some pigs to breathe. Some will stop breathing.

When they are ten weeks old, the males are given a shot of Ractopamine. They will begin to gain muscle quickly. In a few weeks, they will weigh as much as 200 pounds!

When the males are 6 months old, they will be sent to a slaughterhouse. While they are on the way there, they will be in a truck for 36 hours, no matter the environmental conditions. They will have no food and water during this time. More stop breathing. When the painful ride is over, men with electric prods will force them into a gas chamber. They will be knocked unconscious by the gas. Then, their throats will be slit, and they will be dropped into a scalding bath of boiling water. Some of the pigs failed to be knocked out by the gas, and experience the scalding bath fully awake!
Their dead bodies are skinned, butchered, and sent to the store in neat little packages.The head of the companies should be blamed for this cruelty, as the majority of the worker are immigrant workers trying to make money for their families. This doesn't have to happen. Please sign my petition and share it with your friends and families to help me give these pigs a voice against this abuse.

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