Demand justice for Daisy the cat killed by New York City Animal Control despite a rescuer's efforts

  • von: Georgina B
  • empfänger: Brooklyn facility of New York City Animal Care and Control

Fourteen year-old Daisy the cat was dumped at the Brooklyn facility of New York City Animal Care and Control (NYC AC&C) by her former ‘family’ after having lived with them her whole life.

Described as gentle and submissive, the calico sweetheart was due to be euthanized having been put on the NYC AC&C’s ‘kill list.’ However, Daisy was lucky enough to catch the eye of a rescuer located in Pennsylvania who saw her on an Urgent Pet’s on Death Row Facebook page.

The rescuer was so serious about giving Daisy a forever home that he wired the required deposit to place her on hold. Believing Daisy was safe, he started planning the logistics for her transportation to his Pennsylvania home. However, to his absolute horror, the rescuer was notified to choose another cat because Daisy had been euthanized – he was told there had been a computer error. This was after the rescuer had clicked on Daisy’s photo, which stated that she was still alive and available for adoption, which is why he wired the deposit. 

Staff from the NYC AC&C said he could just choose another cat. The rescuer did not want another cat – he wanted Daisy! This is completely unacceptable!

There is a limited time period to save cats listed on the kill list and Daisy's rescue time limit was overdue. Nonetheless, suggesting Daisy was alive and available for adoption while accepting a rescuer's deposit is appalling.

In light of the tragic circumstances surrounding Daisy’s death, the NYC AC&C needs to implement new strategies to ensure this never happens again. It should also review its policies to allow cats and kittens more time to find a foster placement or home.

Please sign and share the petition to demand justice for Daisy the cat, killed by NYC AC&C despite a rescuer’s best efforts.

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