• von: Megan gardner
  • empfänger: USFWS, President Donald Trump and the White House

USFWS began issuing lion hunting trophy permits once again in Zambia and Zimbabwe effective 20th October 2017
We the people of the world demand that the issuing of permits to import lion trophies be abolished effective immediately. We don't agree with USFWS conservation management theory that by hunting and killing a lion is saving the species. This is total nonsense, and we know that little, if no money goes into any local communities to help protect the lions and other wildlife. It is the biggest contradictory statement that has been over used by SCI, NRA and the USFWS time and time again. USFWS also acknowledges that the lion is an endangered species by stating that an enhancement finding is required prior to allowing import of these trophies under the Endangered Species Act regulations.
Photography tourism brings in far more money than any hunt could, providing jobs for the local communities.
Lion numbers have drastically reduced in the last 20 years with approximately only 20,000 remaining in Africa. A far cry from the 1 million that roamed in the early 1900's.
Lions live in a complex social family unit and when a male lion is killed it upsets the balance in the pride, leaving the cubs vulnerable to attacks by outside males. They form family bonds that last a lifetime and are affectionate towards each other, grieving when a member of the pride is killed.
We believe future generations have the right to see lions in the wild and that hunting them for trophies is not a right that should be issued to anyone. Lions are not owned by the USFWS so therefore have no authority to issue permits to hunt them

Update #2vor 7 Jahren
Thank you to everyone for signing my petition. It's great too see so many people care about lions. I have edited the petition title to reflect better the situation as the previous title may have been slightly misleading. Please continue to share. Thank you
Update #1vor 7 Jahren
Thank you to everyone for signing my petition. It's great too see so many people care about lions. I have edited the petition title to reflect better the situation as the previous title may have been slightly misleading. Please continue to share. Thank you
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